Shard Players
his page shows the overall players.

ALL | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  Total Players: 61  Total Public Players: 57
    Page [1/4]
Kabuki The Respectable Kabuki, Expert Alchemist
Kaedyn Lan The Fair Kaedyn Lan, Expert Alchemist
Kahlan Amnell The Glorious Lady Kahlan Amnell, Grandmaster Alchemist
Kai The Dread Lord Kai, Expert Alchemist
Kait The Evil Kait, Expert Alchemist
Kaleese Kaleese, Expert Alchemist
Kalic'Dur The Notable Kalic'Dur, Grandmaster Warrior
Karj Karj, Apprentice Smith
Karma Karma, Grandmaster Alchemist
Karss The Admirable Karss, Expert Alchemist
Katae The Fair Katae, Grandmaster Alchemist
Katastrophic Katastrophic, Grandmaster Alchemist
Kaw The Glorious Lord Kaw: Spite of Evil, Legendary Ranger
Kean The Admirable Kean, Grandmaster Alchemist
Keglevich The Glorious Lord Keglevich, Legendary Rogue
Keldan The Respectable Keldan, Grandmaster Healer
Kendrall Kendrall, Grandmaster Alchemist
Kendrkin Kendrkin, Expert Alchemist
Kenmcg The Glorious Lord Kenmcg, Legendary Ranger
Kenna The Famed Kenna, Elder Ranger
  Last Updated: December 22, 2024, 6:19 am