Calah Greenleaf
Sonoma Shard
The Plant Menu

Mekela Grandier
Catskills Shard

When you double click your plant
a menu appears.

menu example #1
Stage of growth: This indicates at what day your plant is on. (numbers 0-9)

Growth indicator: this indicates if your plant has grown and if not why.
Note: This is NOT the water indicator, if you make a mistake you will drown your plant!
growth symbols:
no growth check since last time it grew
Plant has had a growth check and grew
Plant has had a growth check and got a bonus growth (fertile dirt)
Plant had a growth check but did not grow
(cause: plant was still diseased or sick, add potions and wait till next growth check)
This plant has been in a place it will not grow, such as a secure/lockdown container, or on a vendor. If it is healthy and you have cured anything it has, it should grow when placed in a suitable growing place. (either locked down in your house at server up or in your pack the next time you log on)

Codex of Wisdom: plant codex/help menu

Empty Bowl: this is to empty a seed/seedling from its bowl. You can get a seed back within the first 3 days of growth. so if your plant is very sick and within the time limit dump the bowl and start over!

All the information to care for your plant
is located on the main menu.

Menu Example #2

To apply potions or water to a plant: press the symbol.

If you have potion kegs in your pack, potions are applied automatically.

You must still target the water pitcher for each water application.

The number on the left side of the poition symbols indicate the amount of potions you have applied.

Menu Example#3
There are 5 indicators to tell you how your plant is doing.
Water Indicator: how much water it has or needs is dependant upon the symbols on the left side of the water pitcher.
no symbols - no water needed before its next growth.
- red minus - apply 2 water
- yellow minus- apply 1 water
+ red plus - overwatered by 2 applications of water
+Yellow Plus - overwatered by 1 application of water
Do NOT apply any water if you have a + (plus sign)
If you're plant is in stage 0-3 empty the bowl and replant.
If not all you can do is hope the plant will soak up the water (I suggest applying 2 greater heal and 2 greater strength at every growth check until it soaks up the water)

Plant Diseases/problems - symbols:
+Yellow Plus - Mild. Add 1 of the corrisponding potion to fix/cure it.
+ red plus - Sever. Add 2 of the corrisponding potions to fix/cure it.

bug Indicator: plant has bugs. Use greater poison to rid the plant of them.

fungus Indicator: plant has fungus. Use greater cure to rid the plant of it.

poison Indicator: plant has been poisoned. Adding too many poison potions is the cause of this. only add the amount of poison indicated by the severity of the bugs. Use greater heal to fix.

disease Indicator: plant has gotten a disease. Adding too many cure potions is the cause of this. Only add the amount of cure needed by the severity of the fungus. Use greater heal to fix.

Adding Greater Strength is a personal call. When a plant is diseased and in the stages of growth from 1-5, I usually add at least one greater strength.
When I plant a new seed I always add 1 greater strength to boost its resistance to disease/bugs.
I have never tried to grow plants without it in the earlier stages. I have yet to lose a plant.
Some gardeners apply 2 greater heals and 2 greater strength at every growth check.
So it is up to the individual gardener when and how many to apply.
You can only apply 2 of any type potions to plants.
I also would advise against the use of anything higher then greater poison, there is too much risk of poisoning your plants.

Clicking The Flower symbol takes you to
the reproduction menu.

Menu Example #4

This menu has all the information on reproduction, resources, and seeds.

Days 0-8 the reproduction menu will show only the color of seeds and if it will grow resources or not.

Menu Example #5
Reproduction Menu
There are three sections to the reproduction menu.

Top Section
The filled bowl: this takes you back to the main menu

The Decorative Mode Symbol: This symbol only shows up on day 10. If you press this symbol, your plant will turn to deco mode. You will not be able to access the plant menu when it is set to deco mode. In Decorative plant needs no care.

Middle Section
Pollen Indicator:
A yellow - near the pollen indicator means it is not yet ready to be pollinated. (Days0-6)
A Red ! means it is unpollinated and ready for pollen. This occures during day 7. You have two days to pollinate a plant at this stage, otherwise it will pollinate itself.
A green + indicates a plant has been pollinated. Pollen can still be taken from a pollinated plant. It just can not recieve pollen any longer.

Resource Indicator/Counter:
If you have numbers next to the resource symbol 0/8, the plant you are growing will produce resources, but not until day 10.
If there is a large X, it will never produce resources.
A plant will only grow one resource a day for 8 days. So each plant can produce only 8 resources.
The left number indicates how many resources are left on the plant.
The number on the right indicates how many more resources the plant can grow.

Seed Indicator/Counter:
The numbers next to the seed symbol will always read 0/8 until day 10.
If there is a large X, it will never produce seeds.
A plant will only grow one seed a day for 8 days. So each plant can produce only 8 seeds.
The left number indicates how many seeds are left on the plant.
The number on the right indicates how many more seeds the plant will produce.
The color of the numbers indicates the color of the plant the seed will produce once grown.

If by chance you have a large X near all 3 symbols: this is a mutant plant. It will never grow seeds, resources, or produce pollen.

The Bottom Section
Press this to collect the pollen. Traget the plant you want to use the pollen on. If you select the same plant, it will be self pollinated and the seeds will be labeled. If you select another plant it will cross pollinate and produce another plant. These resulting seeds will not be labled.

Press this to collect the resources. You can only collect one resource at a time. The resource will end up in your main pack. The number of available resources left will decrease by one.

Press this to collect the seeds. You can only collect one seed at a time. The seed will end up in your main pack. The number of available seeds left will decrease by one.

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Thanks for Visiting Us We Hope You Have A Happy Healthy Garden!
Home: basics / The Plant Menu / Storage and Growth / Plant Types / Cross pollination / Plant Colors / Resources / Mutants

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