Exodus wrote:...I do think Ghost and the other admins should have tasty items available for donations to reward how much they put into the shard.
And I agree with that so much that I took some time to think of and look around for things that aren't currently available on WP that players might be eager to donate for, with an eye on game balance. This isn't a personal wishlist, just an attempt at creating discussion and generating helpful ideas (and shard support!).
1) Item Renaming - It doesn't affect gameplay in the least but it can enhance players experiences greatly. Whether it's someone role-playing Bilbo Baggins who'd like to name his sword 'Sting' or someone who'd like to rename a simple stack of iron ingots for deco effect, I think people would enjoy this.
2) Increase bank box limit/backpack item or weight limit - I know there's a bag of holding but at 25 million gold, it's not accessible to everyone. The bag of holding (or this convenience) is very handy but not a gamebreaker as far as I can tell. It would create more hoarding but players do that anyway, which is why I think people would donate for it. We all know that less items = less lag but we love those pixels too much to let them go.
3) Custom Sailing Vessels - It's 2015 and fishermen are still rocking the same beige wooden plank boats from the 1997 launch.... after seventeen and a half years of this, I'd pay for something new.
4) Personal NPC other than a banker - Maybe you want an Animal Trainer at home so you can collect a BOD without getting up off the barstool or maybe you'd like to put a Rancher out in your customized animal pen. Either way I think players would go for this.
5) Currently Unavailable Ethereal Mounts - Anything that staff doesn't think is absolutely ridiculous is fair game because whether it's an ethy panther or an ethy Terathan Avenger, someone out there will want to own one.
6) +Stat Static Items - The Armor of Crafting is cool and I'd like to get some myself at some point. But how cool would it be to also have house addons that provided bonuses? Like say, a Mythic Forge that gives a +5 (or greater) bonus to the blacksmith using it? A Dark Summoning Pentagram for Necromancers? An Alchemist's Laboratory? Would probably need to be account bound so they weren't made public.
7) Cool Deco - I think this would be more for the gold or token donation stone, and I know there's already a ton of stuff to buy - but there's also a world more still out there. Server birth rares for example, like the 2-story statues, plough, ore cart, or something unavailable like phoenix armor.