I make NO assumptions about staff regarding what you do or don't know or whether you've played UO since the Beta. I am pretty sure I have played nearly as long as you. I am just amazed that you will ABSOLUTELY not consider any modifications to the pet permanent stat loss issue. That demonstrates your insensitivity and dismissive attitude toward tamers I alluded to earlier.
How about this suggestion, Staff? How about implementing permanent durability loss to all armor and weapons when a warrior dies that can not be mitigated or undone by having applied Self Repair deeds or by other means? That would include jewelry, which would be permanently damaged at each death as might be expected to actually happen in reality. Kind of like having the gemstone in a ring break if you were in a car accident. You know, similar to the comment one of your players made about pets dying in real life.
How about permanent or very long term intelligence and magery skill losses (ALL of the mage-related skills) for spell casters and permanent or long term reductions in bardic skills when players of that classes die? Would those changes not put all the players on a more even balance? Would those changes not be more fair?
Your argument and edict in your recent post reference the unique nature of many of the difficult mobs and boss-types. You extol the virtue of learning to cope with each and to expand play style so that ways can be found to defeat those mobs. What you did NOT do is properly address the UNFAIRNESS of permanent pet stat loss. Until you implement the debilitating changes for the other classes that results in permanent degradation to THEIR armor and weapons (as you freely allow for our pets and their armor and weapons), you will NOT have a fair and honorable environment for Ranger/Tamers.
It is ironic to me that the founders and current staff of this shard have a mythology and history of Guardians maintaining an idyllic world, with the involvement and help of Rangers, who commune with animals of every type and then create game mechanics that are so unfair Ranger/Tamers and their pets. Permanent pet stat loss is OUR version of having the defensive and offensives capabilities of all other player classes permanently degraded. Perhaps this is something for you to consider.
Shadow Walker