Currently we do not have any rules against "camping" a spawn. Over the years, staff and I have had numerous discussions regarding camping and have come to the conclusion that crafting such rules are difficult indeed. There is a fine line between investigating a spawn area, trying to be there when the monster spawns, and "camping" it. Staff would prefer that players did not monopolize a spawn location to the exclusion of other players. Some things spawn slowly and we understand that players will check those location frequently, and possibly hang out there for a bit to see if it will spawn. As long as they are not monopolizing the spawn and keeping other players from doing it, we don't see an issue and will allow it to happen.
It is not any player's responsibility to "police" spawns. To determine who is or is not camping is a job for staff only. It is not up to a player to determine who they think may or may not be camping an area. Perhaps that person is merely afk, getting a sammich or taking a bio break. Perhaps they have come and have hidden for a bit to see if the spawn will appear. As there is no rule against that, it is perfectly acceptable. Revealing players who are hiding at a spawn location we consider mean-spirited and runs counter to the sense of community we have tried to foster in the Pines. Doing this is only creating hate and discontent, and must stop.
I have posted this in General Discussions to allow players to comment if they wish. General comments on this policy are welcome, but do NOT call out any player by name in your comments.