I would certainly be interested in being a contest judge. Though be forewarned, I have some knowledge of ART and I may not vote the way some would expect. If you know something about Kandinsky, Hopper, Wright et al. then you might agree with me. So for the participant/decorators, what you have or how rare it is won't affect my vote at all. It's what you've done with what you have available that counts.
Ok, ok, I have to admit; if you come up with a giant spinning/glowing pumpkin head that shoots fireworks and has a witch flying around it, I'd have to give you points for something so awesome. However if it is done poorly those points won't be enough to win. Oh and I'd also prefer not to know whose deco I am judging. I also would not do any clicking to figure that out. Frankly, right now there is only Yordor's place that I could identify. I saw spacer's house but don't remember where it was or exactly what it looked like... sorry spacer if that "fire trap" (Ghost's words not mine) is your idea of deco then you may want to be an observer. (tongue in cheek)
So there is my application for judge.