Well - my message to the staff is a heartfelt thank you for the work that you do in providing this awesome world to relax and enjoy. Even with donations, I'm willing to bet WP doesn't put food on the table - and that you'd still provide something like this that my wife and I can just connect to and enjoy - that we can actually really enjoy, because it is actually family friendly like advertised - is just something I really find outstanding. My RL job is a computer programmer and I tried to make my own shard - and even with the programming skills getting the shard to any appreciable level of unique customization did take long hours - and it wasn't even close to WP. Let alone developing events and storyline!
I hope that any newcomers are not put off because this is truly a great place to play. I probably shouldn't add onto this post since it was started with a personal attack which never really leads anywhere good, but I can't help it because I do really like this shard and hate to see any one of the staff whom graciously work to provide it get a bad rap.
I'm not privy to exactly what happened (that I know of) and prefer to keep it that way - I miss playing with SlickBlade. Slick, ordinarily you have always been very friendly and easygoing to work with. So I certainly hope I or Cate didn't contribute to your losing enjoyment. We are very surprised something went so wrong so as to elicit your first post on this thread.
I've played UO on and off for years now, and although I think I'm still a "noob" in skill level I've been around long enough to notice trends in player behavior. And unfortunately the trend seems to be that the more skilled a player is and the longer the time investment, the more that, despite claims its just a game, that UO becomes more RL than actual RL to the player. And more unfortunately, when communication over the internet gets really personal things get taken wrong and really heated up - almost like the road rage phenomenon. In that case the layer of separation is the car - over the net the layer is (typically) only being able to read 10% of what the person is saying because its in text (unless it was discussed by phone or in person which I doubt).
Perhaps to be the best UO player you really have to get so engrained but I prefer to focus on just fooling around and having fun. That's why I look for a family type shard. I like that WP does have some hard-core challenges but not the hard-core mentality. I've found that most shards with a focus on getting really ingrained in it to the point of it being RL also have filthy language, bullies, and constant arguments over virtual property like its RL property. That, and in those shards the new players are a lower class and let know about it. With RL stress I certainly don't need more with a bunch of people trying to kill my character (on a PK shard) or else regarding me as a lower life form because I'm not the most skilled. Not to say they are bad shards - just not friendly for a person like me whom I consider myself an average 9-5 family guy.
Which is why I love WP because I really can't think of a thing another player could do legally inside the rules set forth on the shard that would upset me to the point of leaving or posting negatively on the public forums. If I ever really get into a big disagreement with another guild member I'm more than willing to appeal to the leader and failing that relinquish everything I've ever received from the guild - and go play
alone or with other groups of players. If I get harassed by anyone I'm more than sure if I could provide evidence the staff would handle it quickly and correctly. And from the dungeons and spawns, even with the stat bonuses there still appears to be plenty of challenge to go around.
I may from time to time ask the staff for something but I fully understand that I'm not paying for their time and they don't owe me a cent. In reality, I really owe them because I'm having fun on their dime. They've got every right to throw me out anytime, just because they don't like me or its a rainy day. I'm not sure how skilled, tenured, or whatever you have to be to be able to trivialize that but I hope I never get there.
So, given the situation of being provided the closest thing to a free lunch I've ever seen, really any criticism (or even a suggestion for improvement that could be taken as criticism) made by someone not directly doing the work to keep up WP should be preceded and followed by a heartfelt compliment and token of appreciation. If things are so irreconcilable that this level of civility cannot be maintained, despite it admittedly being "just a game" then it is definitely high time to take a hiatus and/or move to another land. And if you feel the experience was so bad and the need to tell others there are other UO forums where you can describe this - placing criticisms in this forum when you don't plan on playing here anymore really is just trolling.
I really think the virtues are important aspect of some of the first Ultima games and wish the newer ones kept you thinking about them some more. Slickblade, given your skill and abilities you'd be the Avatar except you set your humility back to 0 by letting someone get to you to the point you turned around and retaliated. If the game is getting really personal, use it as an opportunity to practice the virtues. I don't know what the spirit of UO currently is (for EA, probably just making money) but I know that was the spirit of the original UO games.
As the sign on the top of the site says, Be Nice, Play Nice, Have Fun. Even if the third part isn't working for you, you and you alone are still responsible for the first two and the freedom to roam other lands.
Thank you for all your help to me in the game. But SlickBlade although I greatly respect your abilities as a player I do firmly ask that you retract your statement regarding GhostRiderGrey - no matter what he possibly could have done to you I still find the personal attack in a public forum offensive. Also, this is a fun place for my wife and I to play and I hope it stays around for a long time to come - there are much better ways to provide constructive criticism than dogging the owner and possibly causing him to just say the heck with it. With this economy my wife and I treasure all the fun activities we can get and hope we can hold on to this one.
Again, my thanks go out to the WP staff for all the hard work. I don't make any claim that staff has handled everything perfectly (although I can say I've not personally witnessed any lapses in judgment during my month or so here) but I do feel all the staff should be very proud of what they've accomplished. And I think I do speak for the majority of players in saying that it is very much appreciated.