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Remove Trap/Detecing Hidden

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:13 am
by Ingwe
I read a post a while back before I ever started doing treasure chests (although I can't seem to find it now) about how you couldn't ever successfully remove the trap on a level 6 or crusty chest even with 120 remove trap skill. Recently I found myself doing a level 6 tmap so I decided to test the statement out. I've also tried here and there on crusties but as I understand they can poof at any time, the testing wasn't very extensive. I know the dug-up chest wasn't going anywhere.

So I tried 50 consecutive remove trap attempts on it. I realize that's only a small sample size but I still think it's enough to justify taking a look at this - and with an 11 second skill delay between attempts, it was as much as I could stand at the time. I never successfully disarmed the trap. Now if we were only talking about crusties, I wouldn't mention it. I have no trouble assuming (<-- key word) that staff meant for crusties to be impossible to disarm at any level + if you want what's inside, you're likely going to have to die for it. But level 6 chests are a different animal. I know that WP is WP and not any other server (thank God!) but there's still a sensible comparison to be made here. On production servers, remove trap maxes out at 100, there is no 120 in that skill, and even that is sufficient to disarm a level 6 chest. It seems to me that if these traps cannot be disarmed at any skill, something is a little off somewhere. My feeling is that this was not intentional because while a crusty will annihilate me, I can take the explosion of a level 6 in my teeth and survive. So invalidating the skill on them wouldn't serve the same purpose.

The second part of this is Detecting Hidden. Back in the day you needed a minimum amount of lockpicking and detecting hidden skill in order to buy the remove trap skill from an NPC. Many players also believed that Detect Hidden played into the Remove Trap success formula, although I never saw proof of it. So I'm at 104.0 Detect Hidden skill, I thought I'd try to train it up higher. To make a long story short, I did a lot of testing and discovered that Detecting Hidden does not detect traps on chests of any level at all.

I should say that I'm fully aware there's a good chance not many other players care about this. :D We can open level 6's by other means, we don't mind dying for crusties, and probably no one ever tried using Detecting Hidden for either. I'm just one of those nerdy players who enjoys the process as much as the reward and I figured I'd mention it in case it's something you'd care to look into. Thanks!

Re: Remove Trap/Detecing Hidden

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:21 am
by Avanthar
quite true you cannot remove the trap on crusties....there are methods of opening them without dying...and the "boom" only kills you about 50% of the yes death is generally worth the reward..death is cheap and easily fixed.

as far as lvl 6s go....i always used alternate means to open them...just more efficient than removing trap etc. Your points are all valid and like many other skills that were of value in the early days of UO...these are somewhat neutered.