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Razor update 02 July ISSUES **FIXED**

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:09 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Apparently the Razor update today (02 July 2011) is borked. If you have ConnectUO set to autostart razor, it will still autostart razor, but then you cannot log into the shard.

2 solutions...

1: Tell CUO not to autostart razor and play without razor till they get ti fixed.


2: Connect with Razor only for now, and play without our hues or spell icon patches (till they get it fixed)


Re: Razor update 02 July ISSUES

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:10 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
This has been addressed by the author of Razor and is now fixed!


Re: Razor update 02 July ISSUES **FIXED**

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:55 am
by Justice

Re: Razor update 02 July ISSUES **FIXED**

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:44 am
by Valorian
Got a little problem, though. When Razor starts, a small window appears behind the razor blade. A windows window (so to speak) which seems to need information about an account or something. One can see it none too clear, as it is more or less hidden by the giant razor blade.
Under the blade it reads "checking for update", but nothing seems to happen further. One cannot move the window either, as it grays out when grabbed. When I close the window, by it's icon in the task bar, razor continues up without further error, and I can play WP.
Anybody has experienced the same problems? Or even has a solution?

Thanks for your help

Valorian Steel

Re: Razor update 02 July ISSUES **FIXED**

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:12 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Valorian, after Razors latest update yesterday, I too am experiencing the window that wont go away (on XP only, my WIn 7 machine seems unaffected). On XP, after a minute of Razor checking for updates, you should see a "run as" tab in the windows bar, try right clicking it and selecting close. Razor should continue normaly after that.

Hopefully the razor team gets it fixed soon.
