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UO Game Client has Crashed

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:06 pm
by Natural
This is whats been happening lately, the disconnects are a separate issue. This one happens when I am just sitting down in my house.

The UO game client has crashed. To report this crash, hit Control-C and paste the contents of your clipboard

into an email addressed to with a description of what you were doing when it crashed.


Exception Id: 3221225477

Module: client.exe

Checksum: 3722808969



Anyone know a fix? thanks!

Re: UO Game Client has Crashed

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:14 pm
by Avanthar
i tend to crash if i have anything running in the background....UO has never been too keen on sharing...UO is wonky...cranky...antiquated...over the years mine has gone thru "phases" where i will crash for a couple weeks then be good for a year...never could figure it out....I am aware this was a totally unhelpful response.