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Can't access my own house?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:06 am
by Erich Grailmoore
Heya staff, I returned to the Pines last night after a few months away on the official servers. After reading about all the updates, I'm very excited about the new client, new features, lands and cities! (Even if I'll dearly miss the Old Haven and memories there....)

I, ahem, hit a snag last night, though.


The text at the bottom-left reads, "Opening door ... You are not allowed to access this." However, I can still access my bag on the steps, and my house sign. I've tried fiddling with my house settings via the house sign, single-clicking the door, re-logging, logging back in after the server reset ... all to no avail. I asked for ideas in-game and searched the forum, but came up empty-handed there, too.

Wouldst ye help an adventurer in need? :)

Re: Can't access my own house?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:11 am
by Erich Grailmoore
I almost forgot to add, it is just outside of Minoc to the southeast (in Trammel). :oops:

I own the exact same spot and house on Great Lakes and on my private server hee hee. :D

Re: Can't access my own house?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:09 am
by GhostRiderGrey
Erich, glad to hear that you are back in the Pines! When we made the switch to the new client/server, some of the houses didn't change their ID correctly and had to be manually changed by staff to restore functionality. I visited your house this morning, changed it's ID to the proper one, and it seems to be working correctly now.

:mrgreen: Ghost

Re: Can't access my own house?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:43 pm
by Erich Grailmoore
That was fast! Thanks!

Not the weirdest house bug I ever had. I once decided to leave UO "for good," but of course the itch returned a couple of years later. When I logged back in, I was still in my house, same spot outside Minoc — and this was on the official servers. LOL!

In the spirit of fairness, I demolished and rebuilt it later; but it sure was nice that I hadn't lost my stuff. No idea if the bug's still there, as I've maintained my account ever since. I think I heard other houses were affected in that map area, and the devs eventually sorted it out.