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To the staff

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:54 pm
by SlickBlade
No hurt feelings and you guys did make a nice shard however what I got tired of hearing is "We do this, we do that, RL gets in the way..." but I wasn't receiving help or direct answers. If RL get's in the way that much maybe you should figure that out first before taking on a role of a god ? Online stats drop to 3 now..

I'm jealous of how much coding you guys know but that's not enough to keep a shard going.. Every time I want to drop in I think of the conversation I had with ghost and laugh.. ever talk to an automated answering service stuck on one answer? lol just playing just playing, good luck !! Sorry if offended anyone on the Staff (xcept Ghost who over-uses his power and thinks too much of himself) It's a freaking game


-Ban me?-

Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:19 pm
by Aust
Wow a post just to make people annoyed? Classy.

Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:09 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Slickblade, I can't help but notice that after you decided (of your own accord) to move on to another shard several weeks ago, that you have continued to peruse and post in our forums. Apparently you are not as done with WP as you thought.

The conversation you and I had you could have just as well have had with Ch'vayre or Storm. They would have told you the exact same thing I did. Bottom line is, it IS our shard, and we like to see it run a certain way. If you can handle that and play within our guidelines, great! If not, there are a myriad of other shards you can try out.

As far as online stats dropping to 3, that is just proof that players, like shard staff, have a life outside the shard and sometimes that takes priority (as it should). Like you said "It's a freaking game"

I have no reason to ban you at this time.


Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:55 pm
by vapress
Hmm Slickblade,

Apparently you don't know Ghost well enough to say such comments. I have been around the shard for 228 days at this time, and never once did I feel the way you do right now. If you are referring to suggestions, I have my fair share through pms and threads too. Not every one was done on the spot, but if it does not hinder/unbalance the game, it will be done in due time. e.g. I suggested before to have a ankh deed in (nov 08) since there are necromancy altars and such, and I finally got it on the anniversary. It means a lot to me to recieve an ankh on anniversary (me being paladin and such, but cancel the dread away +_+) -- If you are referring to other things, I had my complains, ravings, lamenting of tons of nonsense to Ghost before too. As you said, its just a game, so I learnt to cool down and just enjoy, and never letting other people spoil my game.

Not sure if you have noticed - The staff have been doing events for quite a bit between the recent holidays. Gosh I just wish my time is not so far apart so that I can come in and have a take on winning the twiglets instead of buying them off players haha...

So bottom line is to enjoy, know that they have their lifes (as do we all, I have been playing in pubs almost everyday making me day dream of WP everytime I play), and just enjoy the game whenever we can man!


Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:52 am
by Storm
I honestly don't really know what to say. At first I wanted to lash out in anger but, to be honest I am not angry. I am very deeply hurt by this post. Do you not think that every one of us staff members thought of the fact that WP would take away time from our lives? We did. However, unexpected, unplanned circumstances came up that took us away from the world that we created. (I could list everything that has happened this year to each one of us but, by doing that I would be revealing a private part of our lives and personally don't think that is appropriate.) It seems my unexpected twists and turns in my life have affected your game play and because of that I apologize. Many play this game to get away from the stresses of life and it's frustrating when we don't get what we want. I understand. When entering into this adventure with Ghost and Ch'vayre I never dreamt that I would run into this type of situation and it breaks my heart. There is really nothing else I can say.........except I'm sorry to everyone affected by my lack of participation. I never meant to hurt Whispering Pines nor anyone else.

Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:13 am
by SlickBlade
I'm sorry storm I did not mean to hurt your feelings, things do come up and go away all the time just part of life , if you want to yell at me to let your anger out PM would do :)

I do still drop by and still would like to play, I have not moved on to another shard just been lingering on your forums.

Vapress -- well I tried blowing certain stuff of and keep playing but when you are accused of something you do not think is wrong and you fix it to keep everyone happy.. and then some noob rags on you and the owner says well he's right.. that wasn't exactly fair . I did my part and didn't get the same treatment in responce.. and that alone killed it for me.

And so the bottom line of enjoyment was gone..

P.S. Maybe I just expected more then this shard could offer =/

Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:47 am
by Chvayre
SlickBlade wrote:
And so the bottom line of enjoyment was gone..

Personal opinion if that is how you feel don't play. Its a game, if there is no fun in it no more, no sense in playing.

Many players that may read this know me. I’m short and to the point. I mean no disrespect to any player but I will tell you/ answer your question often in the shortest quickest way possible. Know why? I have spent countless hours behind the scenes of W.P. It took many months of work before we even opened W.P. to the public. And we (the staff) have spent countless sleepless nights working on fixes, new content, and events since W.P. was opened. Now then the countless hours are not why I’m direct and to the point. I’m direct and to the point because I spent those hours for the players to enjoy. I try to stay out of the players way. I try to limit my player interactions so that the players can find out/ learn things on their own. Going out and exploring and gaining knowledge/experience was what drew a lot of the original U.O. players to the game. I personally believe that staff interaction should be limited to the very minim that is necessary.

I spent years on the EA run UO servers. I think I only saw staff one to two times that whole time. They never interfered with guild issues, unless there was bad language. Guilds/players fixed their own issues (unless they where stuck in game) sometimes even through fighting it out in game. And individual events where barely every done. Most of those where during holidays. Only events I ever did was player run.

I said all that to basically say this: We try to run WP to be family friendly. We have events/fix things as we can. We run events for the players. Yes, sometimes life may slow us down, but you know what, we are still here pounding away at our keyboards doing our best to make a fun place to play and often implementing player's ideas. In fact as I type this I am testing/looking at the [charstats thing, suggesed by a player and I know Storm has done some work with it as well. Bottom line, if it is no longer fun here, it is not because of our lack of effort. And I return to my earlier statement:

Personal opinion if that is how you feel don't play. Its a game, if there is no fun in it no more, no sense in playing.

I left EA run UO because I felt this way. We do our best. If it is not your cup of tea or to your play style sorry. It is still our best.

I wish the best to you in your endeavors SlickBlade and any other player that may feel like this.

Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:49 am
by Chvayre
Now, on a personal note.

I met Lord GhostRiderGrey on another world, he was a newer player to UO at that time. I have now known him now for some time in game and in real life. I will not sugarcoat it and say we always see things the same way, we don’t. However, outside of Storm I have never seen someone to be so genuinely nice and to really be trying hard. You should have heard the discussion for the first ever ban on W.P. Any way Slickblade I was not there for the discussion between you and Ghost, but I can say I know for a fact he meant no ill will towards you or any one esle. If it was taken different than it was meant, I am sorry it offended you. He is doing his best to look at the whole picture and be fair to all.

Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:45 pm
by SlickBlade
Now I feel like we live next door :) Thank you for explaining everything , Storm and Ch'vayre like I said nothing against you personally you both sound like you do a lot for the shard and through this topic hopefully it'll be more visible to others. Ghost -- sorry we didn't connect in the right way but I'm not saying you don't do enough.

I bet all of you would be great to hang out with and share life stories

To Aust: No, not to annoy but to clear it up (if only for me personally) and point out exactly what's going on with W.P. staff. If I read all this a while ago while still playing I would of had better understanding and possibly would of looked more the other way towards things that bothered me.

This post was not to rag on staff , (yes, I know I pushed your buttons) but I was curious to see what kind of reponse I would receive.

Chvayre wrote:Personal opinion if that is how you feel don't play. Its a game, if there is no fun in it no more, no sense in playing.

Well that's exactly why you don't see me ingame anymore as my fun turned into a one way argument... no fun for both sides.. :?

EA Servers have way more people, it is a lot more difficult to keep in touch with players the greater the player base. They probably have more staff as well working behind the scenes.. Kind of makes sense to expect more interaction from a < 10 player shard. When I joined I was actually looking for a shard with less players =/ Again that's just my thoughts but you guys probably know more

Re: To the staff

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:03 pm
by Cate81
Hi everyone! I just stopped by the forums, and read this post. I wanted staff to know that I greatly appreciate all the hard work that you put into keeping Whispering Pines up and running. I personally think that you each do a wonderful job! I have played on a few other shards before, but I am still a relative newbie to UO. Being a newbie on the other shards I sometimes felt uncomfortable because I didn't really know what I was doing. I have felt welcomed and very comfortable on Whispering Pines, and I appreciate the kindness of the staff and the other players. I again thank the staff for all their hard work, and I want you to know that I enjoy being a part of the WP community.