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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 10:43 pm
by Bartuc
This is a Rant, not a flame.

Peerless areas and bosses. They've been altered or changed. Its irked me, very much so. Having to hide and provocate everything in the area because of the over spawn of the 'boss' monsters, or mini boss monsters. And then the monstrous inferred grizzle ? ARgh! Area of effect life draining? What is this crap? This isn't a large server, so the options of hunting in groups on these altered creatures are thinned quite a bit. I'm just annoyed that these are overly complicated through massive spawn increase.

Re: Peerlesses!

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 6:08 am
by Exodus
Hey Bartuc. I did notice some differences from OSI, but the mass key mob spawn is actually fantastic for keying in a quick manner. The grizzle key room is pretty chaotic with the horse spawning instantly upon death and the others fairly fast as well. Dreadhorn and Travesty key mobs also spawn 2 or 3 at a time. This is really so you dont have to camp them for 20 mins waiting for a key, and its perfectly possible to kill more than one at a time when you have a custom pet, custom gear, and GM+ all skills.

I will admit that the peerless bosses themselves are fairly tough with mechanics that are not easy for a single player. There are those that have solo killed all the peerless with a variety of tactics. It's typically not a gear thing for peerless but rather a tactic thing.

Oh! and melee is basically out the window with peerless as they tend to reflect physical damage like crazy here.