Vamp, interesting post.
You pointed out again why there are mainly two types of servers. PvP and PvE(player vs environment). As you can imagine a person who sees the bulk of their enjoyment in PvP wouldn't have much fun on a PvE shard.
Some might say a PvE'er could still play on a PvP/PvE shard, but most PvE'ers are simply irritated to hell by 12 year old suburban kids running up and killing them while they are trying to play. No offense to any 12 year old suburban kids who might be reading this.
It would be the same affect if you had a 50% chance of get hit by lighting and dieing instantly just by walking around in game. No fun at all for us PvE'ers
As for the first post.
Driver Guide wrote:So... Is PvP merely against the rules or has the coding been changed to prevent one player from having other players as a valid targets?
Nothing needs to be changed. Even on OSI(paid UO) trammel is a no PvP zone and already has the code to prevent it. It was mentioned that a PvP case or two has occurred, but I'm sure if this is true, that these were isolated incidents as I've not heard of a single case of a PvP since I've been here..... and we are WP are a talkative bunch so I think I would have heard about it.. We pretty much all know each other.