Started playing here couple months ago (Love it BTW) I should know better.
We all have those "What the Hey" moments.
Should have listened to that little "Smart" voice in head that said to wait till today to place house; yep that's me going to other way knowing I'm tired and not thinking straight. Well, in my hast I had to get things out of my bank box so went and got out the 2 nice gifts recieved since I started; The Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts as well as a Banner from from mini quest which can be gotten again. Needless to say in my moving these things I got back to house and started to decorate alittle to make it more homey I had put then in the trash/token bag.
Hope this isn't a sign for this new year!?!
Refresh this old lady's mind. When you demolish a house you do get the dead back so you can place it somewhere else?