by Jaiye » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:00 am
Hi Im Jaiye(Jay). Im from upstate NY but live in VA(for now). I just recently got out of the Navy after 7 years and plan on going to college to be an Actuary. Ive been playing UO since T2A and played on Catskills. I had a mage that was almost legendary(stupid 8x8) and a legendary BS and Tailor. My other MMOs include SWG(Valcyn Dark Jedi Guardian via hologrind), EQ2(Freeport Babarian Berserker on Crushbone) and Age of Conan(still playing it lol). I plan on picking up The Old Republic when it comes out and giving it a whirl because Im a Star Wars geek. So far Ive had alot of fun playing on this shard. The people are very friendly and helpful and the fact that I can GM everything is awesome(and I will)! See in game!