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The Rust Beetle

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:51 pm
by Falkor
Rust Beetle

A new creature has been spotted hiding in remote mining caves: the rust beetle. A group of explorers looking for Western Orcs saw the ellusive beetle. One of them swears he saw an orc ride the beetle but that has not been confirmed. The beetle appeared to be mining for them and at one point it even changed color to match the ore it found.

They saw the orcs tell it to "take break" when they were finished mining. Other commands and abilities are thus far unknown.

The explorers did say they didn't see any of the beetles near known Western Orc outposts so they must be taming them somewhere else.

More information

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:24 pm
by Falkor
It looks like these pets will mine for you if properly motivated -- they need a "rust beetle shovel" to use for that purpose. Just say "mine" or "take a break" to get them to start or stop mining. They will let you know when there is no ore left in the area and they will inform you as they gain mining skill.

They are also a mount, and they can smelt ore for you as well. They don't do a lot of damage in combat but they're quite strong since they eat ore all day.


The rust beetle
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Re: The Rust Beetle

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:35 am
by LochLinn
Hiya Falkor - I LOVE my rust beetle .. just have one request for possible enhancement....

Would it be possible to maybe add the shovel/pick sound when it's mining, just so you know it's working? Not a biggie issue, just a nice add I think.

Re: More information

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 6:29 am
by Emerald
Falkor wrote:It looks like these pets will mine for you if properly motivated -- they need a "rust beetle shovel" to use for that purpose.

So is this a quest item or craft able? I didn't see it in the Tinkering Menu?