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Please Provide your email guildies

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:42 pm
by KawKawKaw
Hi gang,
Not trying to sell email addresses or anything but it strikes me as a little strange that we haven't done this up till now. If you would please provide us with your email address so we can get messages off to you when you are out of game.

We are making some rather profound changes in the guild and those changes I would expect to continue for a long time to come. tFc needs to be be more interactive, more responsive, and more engaging. All of this is tremendously difficult without good communications. As you have already noticed we are using this forum more to have open discussions. At this point most of these conversations have been one sided. You are encouraged to use the forum to discuss things with your guild mates who may or may not be in game when you are.

We have three new emissaries now and the guild house move is underway. All of this requires your interaction. No one can carry the water for the entire guild. This guild is only as good as you make it. We have a awesome crew and so I encourage you to use the forum.

As for your email you can send me a private message here with your email address and I will place it in a file so that when we have communications we can email you to let you know. I will use blind cc so that your email isn't divulged to other guild members. This list will only be shared among the officers of the guild.

So read the forum here. Post here if you have comment or topics you want to initiate. Share your email and lets build a stronger and more vibrant tFc guild.


Re: Please Provide your email guildies

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:47 pm
by IndianaMom

Re: Please Provide your email guildies

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:31 pm
by KawKawKaw
:) Thanks Indi.... Ah... I suggested you could send me your email though the web pm here so others wouldn't see it. but its fine if you want to post it in the open too! :)
