Shard Vandalism
Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:43 am
It is with a heavy heart that I write today to notify our players of a severe case of vandalism within the Pines. In the recent past, someone(s) traveled to Pineville and saw fit to remove the beautiful yard wand decorations that formed the borders of the town, streets, paths, bridges, etc. There is no other reason to have done this other than pure greed. Gold is not hard to come by in the Pines, and it is very sad that an individual(s) thought it proper to destroy the hard work of other players in order to pad their bank balances. For those that are inclined to act in this manner, know that vandalizing the shard is a clear shard rule violation, and will be dealt with in the strictest manner.
Ghost & the staff of WP
Ghost & the staff of WP