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MOTD 02-2011

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:37 am
by GhostRiderGrey
With the changeover to the new shard address, some mechanics of the forums have had to be changed. If you are having any sort of forum navigation issues, please make sure you are using and not to navigate. The price of 105 poserscrolls on the PS Exchange has been reduced by half, to 25 PS Credits.
Happy Valentine's Day!! (Yes, a day early, hehe). You'll find a gift in your bank box, and see Doc the Dwarf on top of Britain Bank. He needs help with something for Snow White.
As tons of spammers continue to apply for forum accounts, we are changing forum registrations yet again. Please prepare a book that has your character name and the password you want for forum access and then page or pm for GhostRiderGrey in game using [pm GhostRiderGrey I will take your book and manually add your forum account. This change applies to new forum accounts only.