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MOTD 01-2015

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:23 am
by GhostRiderGrey
In honor of our 300th weekly lottery drawing, we're adding 50k tokens to the payout of the next drawing on 1/28/2015 at 2:41am shard time.
Be sure to pick up some tickets from Lady Luck in Luna -- you can't win if you don't play!
The Radiant Fire now has special attacks. You need both the Fire Anvil and the Fire Forge to craft Fire Rock gear.
The ISP had an unexpected outage tonight. More details in the forum post called "Shard Status"
Just a friendly reminder that if you have an alt character, or have a wife/girlfriend/boyfriend with an account here, and they haven't been logged on in a while, to log into that account to reset the inactivity timer. This will keep those accounts from getting accidentilly wiped.
Happy New Year WP! Please find a gift in your bank boxes from the staff. Also a reminder that Double Donation Days are running now through Sunday, January 4th at 5:00pm. Last chance to get those donation goodies at half off (the value of your donation is doubled).