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MOTD 05-2014

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:49 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
We have begun closely watching the logs for hacking attempts against the new website. When we see something suspicious, we are adding that IP to the website's block list. When you log onto the website, if you get a message that your access to the website has been blocked, please PM Ghost so that it can be investigated further. Your IP was probably mistakenly added to the block list and can be removed to restore access.
Happy Memorial Day WP! Let us not forget those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of freedom.
Overnight we have moved to new server hardware for both the shard and website. The website is all new and still has a couple of minor things to work out. Please be patient while we square those away and thanks for playing in the Pines!!
Happy Mother's Day WP! Find a gift in your bank boxes.
There is a "Hysterical Mother" in Brit who needs your help to rescue her children from the goblins that grabbed them.
Want to use Razor but cannot? Often it has to do with missing or broken pieces of .NET framework. There is now a post in the forums which may allow you to run Razor.
Happy Cinco de Mayo WP! Gift in your bank boxes.
The new [fixed] installer is ready (Uploaded at 10pm Wednesday night). Please DL it ASAP and install over what you have. Do not go to Oasis champ before doing this as you will lock up your client. All mounts should now be fixed. Also a reminder that Double Donation Days will end tomorrow at 5PM shard time.