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MOTD 02-2014

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:01 am
by GhostRiderGrey
Unsure of why the shard started refusing connections this morning. Restarted everything and we seem to be back on track.
The JoinUO vote stone at the Travel Center and the link on the home page of the website should be working again. Unfortunately, the owners of that list have chnaged their methods of recording votes, and now make you sign up on their site before you can vote. We would appreciate it if you would do that, but understand if you do not.
Happy valentine's day WP!! Gift in your bank boxes. Note that you will need the new artwork patch to see the gift, as well as some of the Snow White quest drops and Smoocher drops. You can find a link to the artwork patch in the Getting Started area of the forums, in the thread called "New Artwork for WP!" If you installed the game in the last week, the installer has the new artwork aready built in. You can verify if the patch is installed correctly by going to the guard building near the Brit corpse summoner. If you see "Unused Tile" on the building, you are not patched. If you see a banner, you are good.
Smoochers are loose in WP and want to give you a big kiss.
It's Snow White's Wedding, and she needs help for her big day! See Doc on top of Brit Bank to get started.
The Bloodmoon and Tainted armor sets are now on display at the Travel Center.
Winter is upon us and that means it's time for a WP cleanup. Do you have chests full of collected junk and trash you don't really need? Trash these items for tokens and help us clean up. Less items means less for the server to have to keep track of and faster save times. There are 561274 items on the server right now, and we would love to see that cut by a 3rd. Also, inactive accounts have been wiped, opening new areas for housing.