The Living World
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:37 pm
I don't know if this is even possible within UO but, I am a huge RTS fan I have played all of the Total War series and am awaiting Rome 2's release.
But last night i was thinking about UO and how dynamic it is but when you get down to it, UO is just a big hack n slash theme park with the ability to own realistate.
To the point then!
A Dynamic world set in the fuedal era such as Sosaria is requires team work and economic growth.
The Castle cannot survive without the small towns producing food and raw materials but in UO it really isnt illistrated like it could be.
My idea involves tweaking wares available in each town. and active trade escort missions(like the nobles)
Britannia -City State- All wares available based on trade with surrounding towns. Imports only. all ore/wood and food produced here is sold here.
Minoc- Imports fruits/wines/grain Exports refined Ore
Vesper- Imports Grain/fruits Exports seafood
Yew- Imports Ore Exports Grains/Whool/Wood
Trinsic- Imports ALL Exports Fur Trinsic is more of a castle Keep than a sustainable town i believe it would rely heavily on Britannia as trinsic is more of a Vassal state than a city.
Skara Brae- Imports Ore Exports Wine/Grain
Serpants Hold- Imports ALL Castle Town relies heavily on other cities in exchange for well trained guards.
Magincia- Imports Grain/ore Exports Fish/Fruit
Haven- Imports Ore Exports Grain/fish/wine
Imports- Items imports would cost double that of the imports as they have to charge for transportation.
Exports- towns export items will be better quality and cheaper than imported.
The Quest idea- like nobles asking to goto X place for Y reward. there could be merchants asking for armed escorts to cities. Can not gate them there. you must run them on the trade route(roads) and defend against ambushes from bandits. the reward would vary depending on town. I.E if you run a minoc merchant to Vesper the reward might be 15-50 iron ingots and maybe 5-800 gold If you do it the other way you might get some prized fish and 4-600 gold.
I dont know if this would be worth it really other than to add a dynamic economy rather than static prices. the implimenting to make it something more than just a foot note would take some innovation beyond me at this time because i dont know how UO is coded.
Anyway, tell me what you guys think? good/bad, needs tweaking?
But last night i was thinking about UO and how dynamic it is but when you get down to it, UO is just a big hack n slash theme park with the ability to own realistate.
To the point then!
A Dynamic world set in the fuedal era such as Sosaria is requires team work and economic growth.
The Castle cannot survive without the small towns producing food and raw materials but in UO it really isnt illistrated like it could be.
My idea involves tweaking wares available in each town. and active trade escort missions(like the nobles)
Britannia -City State- All wares available based on trade with surrounding towns. Imports only. all ore/wood and food produced here is sold here.
Minoc- Imports fruits/wines/grain Exports refined Ore
Vesper- Imports Grain/fruits Exports seafood
Yew- Imports Ore Exports Grains/Whool/Wood
Trinsic- Imports ALL Exports Fur Trinsic is more of a castle Keep than a sustainable town i believe it would rely heavily on Britannia as trinsic is more of a Vassal state than a city.
Skara Brae- Imports Ore Exports Wine/Grain
Serpants Hold- Imports ALL Castle Town relies heavily on other cities in exchange for well trained guards.
Magincia- Imports Grain/ore Exports Fish/Fruit
Haven- Imports Ore Exports Grain/fish/wine
Imports- Items imports would cost double that of the imports as they have to charge for transportation.
Exports- towns export items will be better quality and cheaper than imported.
The Quest idea- like nobles asking to goto X place for Y reward. there could be merchants asking for armed escorts to cities. Can not gate them there. you must run them on the trade route(roads) and defend against ambushes from bandits. the reward would vary depending on town. I.E if you run a minoc merchant to Vesper the reward might be 15-50 iron ingots and maybe 5-800 gold If you do it the other way you might get some prized fish and 4-600 gold.
I dont know if this would be worth it really other than to add a dynamic economy rather than static prices. the implimenting to make it something more than just a foot note would take some innovation beyond me at this time because i dont know how UO is coded.
Anyway, tell me what you guys think? good/bad, needs tweaking?