I was curious what the possibility of having actual criers for player to place at their house. I have tried to do my best with the in game options we currently have. MY purpose for it would be to advertise in game player events. I understand that there would be other things can be done with a player owned crier. One that actually auto emoted a message. There are often players running events where people do not check the website. I think this would be a great delivery system.
Suggestions if it were to be (could be) implemented.
1. There is a day timer... such as a max 7 days and then poof. This would stop people from setting an event... advertisement...whatever ... and leaving it for weeks... months... years... even when they may no longer be around.
2. The cost to be in the area to prevent abuse. say.... 200k tokens... 400k tokens... i wouldn't want to discourage people from using it... but i would say your buying for a purpose and not a permanent use.
3. Obviously the message content must be appropriate and follow the player rules set by staff.
Im sure this only appeals for a select group... maybe only a couple people... but for myself it would be very useful and helpful to keep those that don't regularly check the website the opportunity to check houses they know run events.
I dont know if its even possible and as always the previous listed suggestions were just a jumping off point.. as i have thought about it a while and maybe those reading haven't thought about it.