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Shard Resource Management

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:06 am
by Quentin
Since we are doing Spring cleanup, here are some thoughts on this subject.

I suggest that either management or else the players get together to set a goal to get mass storage for non-stackables, for everyone... somehow. Armory, Granite Key, Kennel, T Hunters Chest/Scroll, etc. all can save a LOT of shard resources count. I know we want to have some (or maybe all of these items) as "something to work for" but perhaps we can have some sort of quest to get at least the ones that will have the biggest bang for the buck in saving shard resources. The quest could be just to get the resources to make the items if you like... or figure something else out.

Re: Shard Resource Management

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:23 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Armory, Keys, Kennels, T Hunters Chest/Scroll, etc. <--are all goals to be worked towards, giving you a reason to play and do things. I don't want to short-cut that process (with a quest) and take game-play away from players in the interest of quickly saving on item count.

In effect there is already a "quest"... it's called UO. Go out, hunt the things you need to to craft these items. Craft a few extras while you are at it and sell them, there is always a market for them.


Re: Shard Resource Management

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:26 pm
by Quentin
Thanks Ghost, well then that would leave the other side of that suggestion I guess and as you indicate... we players have to work on it. I have a plan, just need some know-how so I'll research/ask around. Basically I need the best way to put a book on a vendor and have folks read it and then PM me in game for the trade... or similar. If that works we'll see how many are actually willing to pay organics or tokens for an armory, T Chest Deed etc. If they don't then it seems they really don't feel they need it and are happy to fill up chests instead.

Reason for the book and is the high cost in gold for putting something on a vendor for 500k to 1000k and especially as I don't really want gold, I want organics or tokens... we'll see.