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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:39 pm
by Razeil
Hello everyone. i would like to make a suggestion about voting for the server, due to its high importance for drawing in new players. My suggestion is to reward players that are on the server for actually voting. The reward does not have to be big. Perhaps a sash with a title and the date on it as a memnto. Essentially we are currently number 1 on one of the voting servers. I beleive that if there was a reward system we could get alot more players to take a few minutes to vote. I would recommend setting the goal at number 1 on three of the voting sites before a reward is given. Perhaps If this goes well a larger reward could be given for attaining number 1 on 5-6 of the sites. Or perhaps for maintaining number 1 on a few of the sites for an extended amount of time. Thank you all for your time

Re: Voting

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:29 pm
by Ukka
I like that.
If we have a voting reward, the shard would be more popular, bringing a lot of new players. Im asking my friends to join, but somehow the client refuses to login, and let them stuck in 'verifying account'.
More people, more votes.
Think about the rewards. :mrgreen:

Re: Voting

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:00 am
by GhostRiderGrey
We are considering some sort of voting reward.

Ukka, if your friends are stuck at "Verifying Account" then they have something set up incorrectly in their end. Possibly they are patched too far, or they do not have "Patch Client Encryption" checked in the ConnectUO settings.

See you in the Pines!
:mrgreen: GhostRiderGrey