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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 10:13 am
by DeVir Santi
First, I will apologize this will be a long series of posts. But as this is on the Suggestions and Ideas I want to try to clearly explain why I give these suggestions.

Whispering Pines was originally designed around the Ranger, read the History it even says, “The most noble class of them all was the Ranger. A friend to the woodland creatures and an enemy to those who threatened them. Skilled archer and companion with the animals, the ranger was far more than just a man.”

Now this spotlights archers/tamer, and to highlight this there are custom archery items such as strings that can break, arrow dipping tubs. The animals can be leveled, and some great custom animals exist. However, many know this isn't my first time here on W.P. And this is something I thought about before and never put to words.

When I played on OSI tamers came in many types. Some favored the Hiryu of the Samurai land, many liked the Cu Sidhe or Reptalon of Mondain's Legacy, yet it was nothing to see a tamer using a combo of pets such as a nightmare and a dragon, or a rune beetle and a Bake Kitsune the combo's and possibilities where endless.

This in no way is meant to demean the great work done here on W.P. By its staff but I believe as the ranger class is highlighted it would be awesome to see some of that taming diversity.

Now scripting brand new custom monsters/pets takes more time than most even realize. What I propose is to thrust already existing pets into the spot light. I would like suggestions here for staff to take a look on improvements to existing UO pets that would make them worth taking a 2nd look at, and therefore increase pet diversity.

I am going to of course list my own thoughts/suggestions feel free to pick them apart. List pro/cons or failures I might have not seen. All comments could help staff take a look at the possibilities.

Re: Tameables

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 10:14 am
by DeVir Santi
Now I am not a scripting expert by a long shot but I believe there are 2 easier ways to make older pets more useful again.

The first and maybe most obvious one is control slots. Do you ever see anyone ridding a Hiryu on WP?
Well its 4 control slots meaning you probably will only use the Hiryu, which compared to custom tameables is under powered.

The 2nd way, is some thing I'm not sure how many understand. So I will try to make it clear as mud.
Pack Instincts:
Basically this is how it works. If pets contain a pack instinct lets say Arachnid.
This means if you have 2 pets with Arachnid pack type instinct they will do slightly increased damage.
2 pets do +25% damage
3 pets do +50% damage
4 pets do +75% damage
5 pets do +100% damage

This could sound like a lot of damage increase but there are catches to and its not as much as some may think. 1st all 5 pets have to attack the same target to get the increase. 2nd the pack instinct must be the same type. IE an arachnid pack paired with a Bear pack would not give any increase.

To further break this down most UO pets that aren't custom will only see a damage increase from 17-25 (this number being the max it can be raised to with pet leveling).

So lets take a look at the numbers
2 pets with pack instinct would do 20-31 (average damage before armor 25 hp)
3 = 25-37 (average damage before armor 31 hp)
4 = 29- 43 (average damage before armor 36 hp)
5 = 34-50 (average damage before armor 42 hp)

For those that think 42 hp is really getting high, let's take armor into account. Lets say 42 hp is all physical damage. Target fighting has only a 40% resist to physical damage. So 42 * 40% = 17 (rounded). Actually damage is 42 – 17 = 25 hp and most custom monsters have a much higher damage resist than 40% as well.

As you can see the returns are not a significant increased and once armor is figured into the numbers it should not make these pets over powered.

Re: Tameables

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 10:14 am
by DeVir Santi
So now down to my detailed proposed tweaks to old tameables.

1st my though is give all these Daemon pack instinct. Why Daemon and not say canine for dogs etc, etc.
Daemon has nearly no tameables with it yet it exists. Also as you will soon see I am not suggesting lowering many control slots very much thus making most of these the possibility of slightly more damage when paired with another while not making them over powered. Also a Daemon pack instinct would give W.P. An explanation for the modified pets. Aka something like Khaldun was tampering with the rangers pets and made such and such results. (this could be fleshed out and made much more interesting I'm sure, just base idea)

Bake Kitsune:has 2 control slots/ leave it : add Daemon pack instincts
(2 Bakes could be used and would see a 25% damage increase when attacking same creature. Keep in mind the damage increase is not for their Margery. Only the actual attacks.)

Cu Sidhe: has 4 control slots/ change to 3 control slots : add Daemon pack instincts
(A player could use a Cu sidhe and 1 Bake Kitsune or other combination still receive only a 25% damage increase)

Dragon: has 3 control slots/leave along : add Daemon pack instincts

Hiryu: has 4 control slots/change to 3 : add Daemon pack instincts

Lesser Hiryu: has 3 control slots/change to 2 : add Daemon pack instincts

Nightmare: has 2 control slots/leave alone : add Daemon pack instincts

Rune Beetle: has 3 control slots/change to 2 : add Daemon pack instincts

Reptalon: has 4 control slots/change to 3 : add Daemon pack instincts

White Wyrm: has 3 control slots/leave alone : add Daemon pack instincts

Truth be told these changes may or may not be enough to bring more use out of these pets. But I say start small and tweak the idea after seeing the results.

Re: Tameables

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 10:14 am
by DeVir Santi
Other tamable thoughts

Warg: give it Daemon pack instincts, then it can be paired with any of these other changed ones

Lokai: this one mixed thoughts on could maybe give it the Daemon pack instinct or even go with Equine (horse) if given pack instinct could debate going to 2 control slots. While brand new they are not high end once trained a pack of 5 might be Over powered.

Giant Beetle: This one is all but useless on WP. It is a pack animal but takes 3 control slots. Here we could reduce it to 1 control slot maybe give it the Daemon pack instict? Or could pick a different instinct and give that instinct to all beatle types.

Swamp Dragon: on normal UO Swamp Dragons take no taming to control and believe it or not once one puts armor on it it was suppose to give the rider a small damage reduction. I think this one should be looked into see if the damage reduction on a player is in play on W.P. If not add it (if the scripting is not to difficult), if so maybe tweak it raise it by a small amount. Of course the flip side is swamp dragon should be a total wuss, so if warrior was dismounted it dies extremely quickly.

Make Dread spider tamable with Archanid pack instincts maybe 2 control slots

Make the Greater Dragon now on OSI/UO leave at standard stats/control slots : Daemon pack instincts?