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Pet Skills

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 5:38 pm
by LochLinn
Hi Folks,

I have a request to make, but first, a little background :

1) Pets have a Skillpoint total maximum of 700 (the possible total of all their skill points) ; Bio-engineered pets have the capability of having skills set to raise or lower or lock, normal tamed pets do not.
2) The Animal Lore gump only shows the 'standard' set of 8 skills;
3) I know of at least 3 pets available on the shard which utilize skills NOT shown on the Animal Lore gumps - the points for these skills are part of the 700 max possible total ;

When you have a pet with one of these 'hidden' skills, and you are trying to train it up, you will sometimes see that the pet stops getting skill gains - even though the displayed total (from Animal Lore) is not at 700.

What I would like to request is a new command - say something like [Petskills - which would bring up a gump displaying all the skills in which the targeted pet has any points being used from the total skillpoint pool - not for adjustment or changing, just for display purposes.

Whether or not this command would be limited to only pets YOU own, or whether it would follow the same rules as Animal Lore ( i.e. being able to use it on untamed pets if your Animal Lore is high enough) - I'll leave up to the staff to decide. But I would really like to be able to see where MY pets have their skills when they don't all show with an Animal Lore.


Re: Pet Skills

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:07 pm
by Falkor
Other than archery for pet centaurs, what skills don't display?

It's not a big deal to add more to the animal lore gump.

Re: Pet Skills

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 12:21 am
by LochLinn
Falkor wrote:Other than archery for pet centaurs, what skills don't display?

It's not a big deal to add more to the animal lore gump.

Mining - Rust Beetle - not really applicable because it doesn't have > 8 skills, but still would be nice
Focus - Steel Steed
Necromancy - Grizzled Pony

Are the three that I know of - Centaurs (which I forgot about) with Archery make four.

As for any others of which I am not aware, I would assume that you, Falkor, would be better able than I to search the creatures available and see which skills which pet has potential to use. That is why I suggested a new command rather than enhancing the Animal Lore gump - I have no idea how big the potential enhancement to Animal Lore may turn out to be, whereas a simple list based on a test of 'if this skill > 0.0 then show it' should be fairly small (9? 10? skills at most) for any one pet and be flexible enough to be used no matter how many pets have hidden skills.

Re: Pet Skills Thank You

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 8:04 am
by LochLinn
Thank You Falkor :)

For those of you who don't know what I am thanking him for, see the new Animal Lore Gump - Multiple pages for skills now :o

Re: Pet Skills

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 9:31 am
by Falkor
You can now tell a pet rust beetle "skill" and it will reply with its mining skill level.

Re: Pet Skills

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 12:39 pm
by LochLinn
Minor bug with new Animal Lore gump :

If you use Animal Lore to bring up the gump - get to the 1st Page (with 'Loyalty' on it), then use the left arrow key to backup a page, it jumps right to the Magical Abilities page, skipping over the 'Preferred Foods' and 'Pack Instincts' page. If you Page thru using the right arrow, it does the pages correctly, and does display the Preferred Foods page in order.

very very minor ....