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Event Idea For All Players, New and Old

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:14 am
by Carly
Players step through a portal. Portal changes all stats and skills to 100. Portal also sends all items in backpack and on character to the players bank. Now everyone is naked and have nothing in their backpack. All stats and skills are 100 so everyone is the same. Players split up into two teams. Red Team and Blue Team. One player from each team will be the Crafter. The Crafter will receive tinker's tools with 50 uses remaining. When all players are ready - WP Staff will do a countdown and all players run through their team's color portal. Red portal for Red Team, Blue portal for Blue Team. As they run through the portal the players receive a shovel (50 uses remaining) and the players skin changes to the color of their team. Players are transported to a Mining Field/Battle Field. Red Team is transported to "Red Team's Starting Area". Blue Team is transported to "Blue Team's Starting Area". Starting areas are on opposite ends of the battle field. Each Starting Area has a forge and anvil. Players begin to mine and gather ore. Players bring the ore/ingots to their crafter. Crafter will need to use the tinkers tools to make tongs or a smith hammer then create armor and weapons to aid their team. Let the battle begin! Battle field can be an open field, a maze or as creative as our Wonderful WP Staff would like to make it. Battle continues until one team remains standing. As players die they run to or are transported to a central location where WP's Gracious Staff will raise them. Then they can watch the remaining battle and cheer for their team. When the battle is over all players step through a portal that transports them to a town and the players stats and skills are reset back to what they had prior to the Event.

I'm thinking rewards are given to all participants. As far as what the rewards are for playing...maybe a guild can host and offer rewards...just a thought.

Same idea can be used for other Events like Arena Battles, Capture the Flag...

Thanks for reading,

Re: Event Idea For All Players, New and Old

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:58 pm
by KawKawKaw
Neat idea but I wonder when we would have enough foils willing to commit to a time period that something like this would require at the same time here on WP.

I'm not one who would be interested in something involving a battle against other players (I'm so not a pvp'er) but the concept to completing some kind of objective as a team would be neat.

You'd almost have to setup a schedule to 'plan' for people being in game to do things of this scale, but there are times we have enough.

Carly were you thinking of the order of maybe 5 man teams?

The other problem here is what is involved in creating the environment to pull this off. Ghost and Falkor put in so much time keeping our world working smoothly, i'm guessing they'd have a real challenge trying to find additional cycles to put into such an endeavor. I do like the idea in concept.

Re: Event Idea For All Players, New and Old

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:34 pm
by Falkor
I've held a similar event in the past, though it stayed PvM rather than any PvP action.

Think of it as sort of a naked dungeon crawl, except you start with a small amount of supplies and must craft any equipment or weapons from what is available in the dungeon. Loot from your kills becomes very useful too. Teamwork is vital -- cross-healing and coordinated attacks are required to succeed.

I may be able to adapt this idea to more of a team-based event, where up to 4 teams compete to reach the boss and be the first to defeat him. It just depends on how many we have participating. I can hold an event for one team much sooner than one for multiples because we could use an existing dungeon for the purpose.

It is true that my plate is pretty full these days. We've got more exciting things to unveil for WP in the near future. There is still quite a bit left to do, and then extensive testing, but you're going to like it!

Re: Event Idea For All Players, New and Old

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:32 pm
by Folgers
ROCK ON !!! sounds super cool :!: