Exodus, thanks for your suggestion.
We do have the technical ability to create custom champs, and have done so in the past (Headless Horseman, Thanksgiving, Leprechaun, Bunnies to name a few).
I am unsure of the value to the shard as a whole in creating a super difficult champ just for a few vets. When super hard champs exist, typically they aren't done much. Sleeping dragon is a great example of this. We dumbed it down twice, and then finally moved it out of the random rotation because it was disliked so much (it exists now in a static custom locaton).
If a super difficult champ with custom loot drops was created, where would it end? By that I mean, once you had done the champ and gotten the available loot, you would be back to the same spot we are in now.
I might suggest that you can add gameplay now by tackling monsters without pets, and with lesser gear. Ever done a naked dungeon crawl?