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Super Champs

PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:17 pm
by Exodus
Hi Ghost. I am wondering if there is the technical ability to create super champion spawns. For instance, a wave of dragons/hiryu, then a wave of ancient wyrms, then something else hard, and even harder, then the boss is a super version of other champs with unique loot drops. Just an idea that would get me and maybe other end gamers playing again. Thanks man!

Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:13 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Exodus, thanks for your suggestion.

We do have the technical ability to create custom champs, and have done so in the past (Headless Horseman, Thanksgiving, Leprechaun, Bunnies to name a few).

I am unsure of the value to the shard as a whole in creating a super difficult champ just for a few vets. When super hard champs exist, typically they aren't done much. Sleeping dragon is a great example of this. We dumbed it down twice, and then finally moved it out of the random rotation because it was disliked so much (it exists now in a static custom locaton).

If a super difficult champ with custom loot drops was created, where would it end? By that I mean, once you had done the champ and gotten the available loot, you would be back to the same spot we are in now.

I might suggest that you can add gameplay now by tackling monsters without pets, and with lesser gear. Ever done a naked dungeon crawl?

:mrgreen: GhostRiderGrey

Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:37 pm
by Dispiro Malas
I did that twice with small groups of people quite challenging and fun. Hey I have an idea, perhaps a naked sleeping dragon run :oops:

Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:22 am
by Exodus
Thanks Ghost for the reply. I think you're right that it's not another tier of challenge I'm looking for, but I do want another long term goal.. The shades and windriders were long term goals that kept me at the grind.

Perhaps a disgustingly priced token item, to the tune of 10 million would be a new carrot on a stick!!

Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:54 am
by Jano Galaeth
I've read this post a while ago and I have to admit it would be great fun and add a great value to the shard. When you get to the point you have really good gear, it is always nice to still have challenges in front of you.

There is no real need to make special drops for a really hard champ, I think the key is consummable loot to keep people motivated in trying to actually do the champ (if the only loot is a specific artifact, they won't come back for sure). Spellcrafting actually would be a great example of what the boss could drop, maybe not crafts but magic jewels (charges). It could have a very low chance to drop a major artifact (including tainted/crusader in the list maybe). It could drop platinum runics. It could have a really low chance to drop luck deeds. It could have a slightly higher chance to drop 120s. There are a lot of things that could go in the list to keep people interested in that super hard champ actually.

I know for sure I would try to do it all day long if there was one, I love having long term goals. :)

Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:19 am
by KawKawKaw
I think we have them already and this is a bit of nitpicking. We have Chuck Norris, special bosses for particular events, all kinds of stuff. I get a bit weary of people saying they are getting bored or 'I've done it all'. You haven't there is always more that can be accomplished and done. The key is to use your imagination and set your own goals in game. I have numerous ones i'm actively pursuing and a stack of them that I just don't have time to get around to.

Fiddling with the Champs to any large degree is moving one component to a higher level without balancing other attributes. We have plenty good gear available. Yes some things come laboriously slow, but then I wouldn't want them to be other than that because this isn't a drop of spot on my way to another shard. WP is my home.


Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:40 am
by Jano Galaeth
I'm not sure I wrote it right then, I didn't mean to offend anyone really. WP is the most awesome shard I tried and I tried a lot of them (I don't regret trying them before WP, it just adds to the awesomeness :D ). If I was to stop playing on WP it wouldn't be to go to another shard, I would just stop playing UO. And I really don't intend to stop anytime soon. That's how much I love this shard. :)

Making a hard champ wouldn't hurt the balance of this shard (there is really no need to make additionnal gear or to create custom drops for this, thus not hurting the balance), it would just add a spot for groups of players to gather and have fun.

I can perfectly understand that it is really not a top priority though, and I am perfectly ok with this! ;)

Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:10 am
by KawKawKaw
Jano, My response wasn't directed specifically at you. Seen a lot come and go and there is a massive rush to get to the 'end'. I understand a bit of eagerness to progress because I went through that myself, but I also never really thought in the sense of ever 'playing it out' sort of thinking.

Have you done Sleeping Dragon? That is a bit more challenging.


Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:26 am
by Jano Galaeth
I actually chronometered a solo sleeping dragon run yesterday (was a challenge with Czarina :P). I don't remember the exact result but it was around 12 minutes I believe. I died once because of paralyze spells who lasts like 3 seconds, if unlucky you can get chain paralyzed, it's nasty :lol: ) combined with a silly mistake with enemy of one (, I still need to work on jewerly to get more magic resist and maybe I will be able to do it reliably without dying.

Re: Super Champs

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:37 am
by GhostRiderGrey
Jano Galaeth wrote: Spellcrafting actually would be a great example of what the boss could drop, maybe not crafts but magic jewels (charges).

You do realize that one of the dungeon bosses drops these very things? And some of the custom champs drop the jewels?
