by Cruxus » Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:20 am
The idea of a leveling item would be great and the coding wouldn't be too horrible. However balancing such items would be a pain. Take a vet player with access to anything on the server vs a new player. Give them both the same item. You would have to keep the item worth the time for the vet and not too game breaking for the new player. Now requiring skills/kills to get the item is an idea but at some point that isn't too hard to do either. I would say such items are HARD to get. As in you will need a group of players all able to solo a few peerless. If you played Everquest, Think along the lines of an epic quest. Say only doable once like the thunderwyrm quest and a few different rewards. Then again doing all this will take time and the devs are busy as it is heh. I could easily draw an outline and or write the quests, but no idea how to code any of it. I would say somewhere down the line =). Perhaps after Fel is done and they have had a rest. =)