Okies .. here's my suggestion for a new Donation Item :
I came up with this whilst searching through my chest of armor and jewelry .. trying to piece together the best suit I could for the things I normally do.
You know how you can sometimes have two items, say rings, where each has some great stuff, but neither is really great? Well, how about an Item
MELD deed - a one-shot deed that would let you MELD two of the same item types into one, keeping ALL of the buffs and enhancements of Both? Maybe even adding the resistances together?

Only the SAME item types (no melding a ring with a belt, for instance.)
Of course, it would have to be a fairly hi-end donation item, and there would have to be restrictions to avoid super-super items, and maybe even a flag so you could only meld an item once, and not meld the result onto another item.
<Later Edit> - Thinking more on this .. I think that a good set of restrictions would be :
1) ONLY Player-Made items or looted items in their original state can be melded - no artis, quest rewards, spellcrafted items, etc.
2) Definitely set it so that only one meld per item - and a previously-meld-created item cannot be re-melded.
I think that would still make it worthwhile, but limit the potential for super-duper-uberness