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Talior BODs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:27 pm
by DeVir Santi
Ok if you've looked at my Blacksmith BODs post you know a bit about how I'm gonna lay this out. However this time I will explain less and just jump in. So, if you have trouble understanding the Blacksmith Post may help.

Section 1: Points and Items

0 = 50% Special Hued Cloth 50% Colored Loom
50 = 50% Special Hued Cloth 50% Colored Loom
100 = 50% Special Hued Cloth 50% Special Hued Sandals
150 = 60% Special Hued Cloth 10%, ArmorOfCrafting +1 30% Special Hued Sandals
200 = 40% Special Hued Cloth 20% ArmorOfCrafting +1 40% Special Hued Sandals
300 = 33% StretchedHide 33% ArmorOfCrafting +1 33% ColoredScissors
350 = 50% Spined Leather Runic Kit 50% ColoredScissors
400 = 60% Tapestry 20% SturdySewingKit 20% ColoredScissors
450 = 50% Bear Rug 50% SturdySewingKit
500 = 50% Deco 50% MastersKnife
550 = 33% Special Hued Clothing Bless Deed 33% Deco 33% MastersKnife
600 = 50% Horned Leather Runic Kit 50% Masters Knife
650 = 50% Horned Leather Runic Kit 50% Armor Of Crafting +3
700 = 50% Barbed Leather Runic Kit 50% Armor Of Crafting +3
750 = 33% Barbed Leather Runic Kit 33% Armor Of Crafting +3 33% Gargoyles Knife
800 = 33% Polar Leather Runic Kit 33% Charged Dye Tub 33% Gargoyles Knife
850 = 50% Polar Leather Runic Kit 50% Charged Dye Tub
900 = 50% Synthetic Leather Runic Kit 50% Armor Of Crafting +5
950 = 50% Blaze Leather Runic Kit 50% Armor Of Crafting +5
1000 = 33% Daemonic Leather Runic Kit 33% Tailors Protector 33% Armor Of Crafting +5
1050 = 50% Shadow Leather Runic Kit 50% Tailors Protector
1100 = 50% Frost Leather Runic Kit 50% Bag Of Resources
1150 = 50% Ethereal Leather Runic Kit 50% Bag Of Resources

*Where it says Deco you get a chance for these items: Tapestry, Rose of Trinsic, Deer Corspe, Banner.
** Bear rug can be a brown one or a polar one.

Re: Talior BODs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:28 pm
by DeVir Santi
Section 2: Where the points come from:

quantity = 10 points = 10
quantity = 15 points = 25
quantity = 20 points = 50

exceptional = 100

Spined Leather = 50
Horned Leather = 100
Barbed Leather = 150
Polar Leather = 200
Synthetic Leather =250
Blaze Leather =300
Daemonic Leather =350
Shadow Leather = 400
Frost Leather = 450
Ethereal Leather = 500

If its a large BOD:
Large BOD item Count:
4 = 300
5 = 400
6 = 500

Re: Talior BODs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:28 pm
by DeVir Santi
Section 3: Figurering up the points of the BOD

Small BOD example:
Small Bulk Order
All Items Must be Exceptional
All Items Must be crafted with Polar Leather
Amount to make: 20
Leather Skirt: 20

100(<= for exceptional)+200 (<= for Polar) + 50 (<= for quanity) = 350
Should get one of these items from the table above:
350 50% Spined Leather Runic Kit 50% ColoredScissors

Large BOD example:
Large Bulk Order
All Items Must be Exceptional
All items Must be crafted with Daemonic Leahter
Amount to Make: 20
Studded Gorget: 20
Studded Gloves: 20
Studded Sleeves: 20
Studded Leggings: 20
Studded Tunic: 20

100(<= for exceptional) + 350(<= for Daemonic) + 50(<=for quanity) + 400(<= for 5 count Large BOD) = 900
Should get one of these items from the table above:
900 50% Synthetic Leather Runic Kit 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5

And there it is How to figure up a Tailor BOD, Hope someone finds this information useful

Re: Talior BODs

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:22 am
by Owellow
Thanks again, this is amazing.