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Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:00 pm
by DeVir Santi
I have been compiling this information for some time now. I have gathered my information from many, many places. From forums, research, and testing. I do not promise that this is 100% accurate, but to the best of my ability it seems pretty close. The information I will part on this subject will come in 3 sections on this post. It is alot to take it, but I hope I have explained it in a way others can understand. I had a hard time understanding it at first as well.

Section 1: BOD points and what you get for those points.

Points needed = Chance to get these Items (You will get one of the items)

0 = 50% SturdyShovel, 50% SturdySmithHammer
25 = 50% SturdyPickaxe 50% SturdySmithHammer
50 = 90% SturdyShovel , 10% ArmorOfCrafting +1
200 = 90% SturdyPickaxe , 10% ArmorOfCrafting +1
400 = 90% ProspectorsTool , 10% ArmorOfCrafting +1
450 = 50% PowderOfTemperament 25% GargoylesPickaxe 25% Deco
500 = 30% Dull Copper Runic Hammer , 30% GargoylesPickaxe , 30% Deco
550 = 60% Dull Copper Runic Hammer , 40% Shadow Runic Hammer
600 = 50% Shadow Runic Hammer , 50% ColoredForgeDeed
625 = 75% Shadow Runic Hammer , 25%, ColoredAnvil
650 = 50% Copper Runic Hammer , 50% Deco
675 = 25% ColoredAnvil , 75% Copper Runic Hammer ,
700 = 50% Bronze Runic Hammer , 50% Deco
750 = 50% AncientHammer, 10 , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +3
800 = 50% GargoylesPickaxe , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +3
850 = 50% AncientHammer, 15 , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +3
900 = 50% Gold Runic Hammer , 50% ChargedDyeTub (Weapon, or Armor Tub??)
950 = 50% Gold Runic Hammer , 50% ChargedDyeTub(Weapon, or Armor Tub??)
1000 = 50% AncientHammer, 30 , 50% ChargedDyeTub(Weapon, or Armor Tub??)
1050 = 50% Agapite Runic Hammer , 50% SmithersProtector
1100 = 50% AncientHammer, 60 , 50% SmithersProtector
1150 = 50% Verite Runic Hammer , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5
1200 = 50% Valorite Runic Hammer , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5
1250 = 50% Blaze Runic Hammer , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5
1300 = 50% Ice Runic Hammer , 50% BagOfResources
1350 = 50% Toxic Runic Hammer , 50% BagOfResources
1400 = 50% Electrum Runic Hammer , 50% SharpeningBlade
1450 = 50% Platinum Runic Hammer , 50% SharpeningBlade

**Where it says Deco this is what you have a chance of getting: Chainmail Tunic, chainmail Leggings, Decorative Armor, Decorative Shield and Sword, Decorative Scale Shield, Sword Display

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:01 pm
by DeVir Santi
Ok now that I've shown you what points it takes and what items are out there. I'll show you what the points are:

Section 2: How to get your points.

Points are figured up on many different levels. I will attempt to list all the possible points here.

To get the points

*Qauanity points:
quantity 10 = 10
quantity 15 = 25
quantity 20 = 50

*exceptional points = 200

*Material points:
Dull Copper = 200
Shadow = 250
Copper = 300
Bronze = 350
Gold = 400
Agapite = 450
Verite = 500
Valorite = 550
Blaze = 600
Ice = 650
Toxic = 700
Electrum = 750
Platinum = 800

*Point Modifiers for large bods (These large bods get these points added to them)
Ringmail Gloves, Ringmail Tunic, Ringmail Arms, Ringmail Legs = 200
Bardiche, Halberd = 200
Chain Coif, Chain Legs, Chain Tunic = 300
Axe, Battle Axe, Double Axe, Executioners Axe, Large Battle Axe, Two Handed Axe = 300
Broadsword, Cutlass, Katana, Longsword, Scimitar, Thin Long sword, Viking Sword = 300
War Axe, Hammer Pick, Mace, Maul, War Hammer, War Mace = 300
Short Spear, Spear, War Fork, Kryss = 350
Plate Arms, Plate Legs, Plate Helm, Plate Gorget, Plate Gloves, Plate Tunic = 400

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:01 pm
by DeVir Santi
Ok now that you have all this information, we will move on to the hard part.

Section 3: How to get figure your BODs total points (Thus, figure out what reward you can get)

To calculate small BOD:
Take BOD quantity such as 10
Then add metal type points
Then add exeptional points.

Small Bulk Order Deed
All Items must be Exeptional
All Items must be crafted with Gold Ingots
Amount to make: 10
Ringmail Tunic: 10

To figure the BODs points just add all needed points and add them up
Take quantity 10 + 200 (cause its exeptional) = 210
210 + 400 (cause its gold) = 610

Math in one step 10+200+400 = 610

Take the 610 number and look at the top of this post to see what item the BOD could get.
This means your reward would fall into this category:

600 50% Shadow Runic Hammer , 50% ColoredForgeDeed

So far this has not been too difficult, but large BODs have a little more work to them.

To calculate a large BOD:
Take BOD quantity such as 20
Then add metal type points.
Then add Exeptional points.
Then add any Point modifers for the mentioned large bods in post 2.

Large Bulk Order Deed
All items must be Exeptional
All items must be crafted with Blaze Ingots
Amount to make: 20
Chainmail Coif: 20
Chainmail Leggings: 20
Chainmail Tunic: 20

Take the 50 from quanity points to start out
Take 50 + 600 (this is Blaze metal points) = 650
650 + 200 (this is the exeptional points) = 860
850 + 300 (this is the BOD type points) = 1150 <--this is your BOD's total points take it to the chart above and figure out what you have a chance to get!!

Math all in one step 50+600+200+300 = 1150

This means your reward would fall into this category:

1150 50% Verite Runic Hammer , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5

Well this is it for my how to figure the reward of a BlackSmith BOD. I hope it helps some of you, I tried to explain it the best I know how.

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:32 am
by Shinto
I thank thee.

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:19 am
by Owellow
This is amazing, thank you!

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:23 pm
by Milnor
you are a god!...and does the lvl of your skill have anything to do to with the potential reward as well?

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:32 pm
by DeVir Santi
you are a god!...and does the lvl of your skill have anything to do to with the potential reward as well?

The reward seems to fall where the points up top say. However, I've been told they higher the skill the better odds of getting higher end BODs I'm not 100% sure this is the case but it does seem at times to help.

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:17 am
by Whackenstick
There is a website I use for rewards, its
It shows you all the possible rewards per bod

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:58 pm
by DeVir Santi
Whackenstick, thanks for the new website to look out. I would warn you through that the BODS on your website are not accurate for WP. That BOD table shown on the website is for metal up to Valorite. There are metals above this level here on WP.

Re: Black Smith BODs

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:51 pm
by Whackenstick
Yea, just noticed that, wasnt paying attn, was just the site I used when I played osi