I have been compiling this information for some time now. I have gathered my information from many, many places. From forums, research, and testing. I do not promise that this is 100% accurate, but to the best of my ability it seems pretty close. The information I will part on this subject will come in 3 sections on this post. It is alot to take it, but I hope I have explained it in a way others can understand. I had a hard time understanding it at first as well.
Section 1: BOD points and what you get for those points.
Points needed = Chance to get these Items (You will get one of the items)
0 = 50% SturdyShovel, 50% SturdySmithHammer
25 = 50% SturdyPickaxe 50% SturdySmithHammer
50 = 90% SturdyShovel , 10% ArmorOfCrafting +1
200 = 90% SturdyPickaxe , 10% ArmorOfCrafting +1
400 = 90% ProspectorsTool , 10% ArmorOfCrafting +1
450 = 50% PowderOfTemperament 25% GargoylesPickaxe 25% Deco
500 = 30% Dull Copper Runic Hammer , 30% GargoylesPickaxe , 30% Deco
550 = 60% Dull Copper Runic Hammer , 40% Shadow Runic Hammer
600 = 50% Shadow Runic Hammer , 50% ColoredForgeDeed
625 = 75% Shadow Runic Hammer , 25%, ColoredAnvil
650 = 50% Copper Runic Hammer , 50% Deco
675 = 25% ColoredAnvil , 75% Copper Runic Hammer ,
700 = 50% Bronze Runic Hammer , 50% Deco
750 = 50% AncientHammer, 10 , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +3
800 = 50% GargoylesPickaxe , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +3
850 = 50% AncientHammer, 15 , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +3
900 = 50% Gold Runic Hammer , 50% ChargedDyeTub (Weapon, or Armor Tub??)
950 = 50% Gold Runic Hammer , 50% ChargedDyeTub(Weapon, or Armor Tub??)
1000 = 50% AncientHammer, 30 , 50% ChargedDyeTub(Weapon, or Armor Tub??)
1050 = 50% Agapite Runic Hammer , 50% SmithersProtector
1100 = 50% AncientHammer, 60 , 50% SmithersProtector
1150 = 50% Verite Runic Hammer , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5
1200 = 50% Valorite Runic Hammer , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5
1250 = 50% Blaze Runic Hammer , 50% ArmorOfCrafting +5
1300 = 50% Ice Runic Hammer , 50% BagOfResources
1350 = 50% Toxic Runic Hammer , 50% BagOfResources
1400 = 50% Electrum Runic Hammer , 50% SharpeningBlade
1450 = 50% Platinum Runic Hammer , 50% SharpeningBlade
**Where it says Deco this is what you have a chance of getting: Chainmail Tunic, chainmail Leggings, Decorative Armor, Decorative Shield and Sword, Decorative Scale Shield, Sword Display