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How to find information on anything.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:28 am
by Epimetheus
Google! lol
I'm serious, but there's a twist. If I want information on any particular monster, treasure map, skill, etc I search stratics, but probably not in the same way you do.

I've created a firefox Uo-Stratics search plugin that you can install by clicking the link below. Don't worry, it's text-only so no viruses or anything. It's safe. :P

Let's face it, navigating and searching the stratics site is a pain in the butt, but this makes my life a WHOLE lot easier

Install UO-Stratics Search Plugin

EDIT: Now works with IE8.
If anyone knows how to install it on Chrome, let me know.

Re: How to find information on anything.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:04 am
by Gurt
I've been finding it increasingly useful to cross-reference with this site:

It's a Wiki, so it has rather different info. It has few skill calculators, probably no t-map info, and monster info is there but you don't have the semi-useful comments people make like "this guy is EASY!" on every single enemy. Instead it's a lot easier to navigate, the item info and skill info is easier to follow, and a few other things..I mean, if there's one thing I don't like about Stratics it's trying to find dungeon info, but on this site everything is categorised better and you should even be able to find the entrances to them!