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Newest Version of Razor

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:11 pm
by Ingwe
For anyone who uses Razor, I thought I'd share this. The guy(s) that originally created and updated Razor quit doing so a number of years ago and left it a little buggy. Then this new team picked it up and ran with it and put in a few improvements. Nothing earth-shattering but there were a few things that I personally found very useful. The new site is here:

My favorite upgrades are: They fixed movement in macros, which got broken sometime bewteen 2009 and 2013. When it was broken, trying to have your character walk in a macro would create insane lag which would either freeze the client or, at the very least, force you to log out and back in again before doing anything else. Now it's smooth and streamlined again. And fixing the Scavenger agent so it doesn't overload the drag/drop queue was brilliant as well.

If you don't already know what Razor is, just do a Google search for "ultima online razor" and read up on it. It has been written about probably 100,000 times and there are step-by-step guides to it all over the internet.

Re: Newest Version of Razor

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:43 pm
by Falkor
I didn't know about the changeover but we've had a link to Razor in the big orange "CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED for FREE!!" link at the top of the main page for a couple of years. Right after downloading our installer, players are encouraged to get Razor. Our link (which we'll update) to Razor gets kicked over to the proper location @ UO Gamers automatically.

Anyone using a version older than 1.0.14 should go grab the new one!