Hey guys. I think there's a lot of players out there that would like to do peerless fights but may be hesitant to venture into unknown territory. It is not as hard as you may think. This is intended to be a high level overview of the keying process of the Travesty battle within the Citadel zone.
This info is located all over the internet, as well are guides to the other peerless bosses. Some things are different and a little easier here in WP, so here's a breakdown of how to get into the Travesty fight.
Citadel is located on the eastern coast of Isamu-Jima (Tokuno Islands). The entrance is in a small fishing outpost. There will be an NPC there named Oro The Wounded Explorer. This is the turn-in NPC and you should mark a rune near him. The house to the south of his house contains a crate. Double click the crate to enter Citadel.
Citadel is a ninja/samurai infested dojo. Luckily, with high stealth, you won't be seen very easily. Here is a map
http://www.aschulze.net/ultima/guide/to ... itadel.htm
To receive the teleportation globe to fight Travesty, you need to collect 3 Keys here from specific NPCs. Each NPC has a small chance of dropping the key. It is possible to pick up multiple sets of keys within a short amount of time. You can mark locations within Citadel to make future keyings very easy.
1st Key - High Executioner: Located a few screens away from the start, down a hidden door the NW room, is the high executioner. He reflects magic damage so it is best to throw a pet at him. Three of him spawn at once so they can down a steel steed if you don't heal. A Glorious or Dread summoned demon also works well.
2nd Key - Grand Mage: Located in a narrow hallway, spawn in a pack of 2. They reflect both melee and magic. Again, a pet works but they will dispel a summoned pet, so Steel or another strong pet is best.
3rd Key - Master Thief: Located at the end of a hidden hallway before you circle around to the start of the maze. They do not reflect magic so you can summon a Demon/Fairy and aoe them down with magic. Or just heal your pet. They spawn with regular thieves and can overwhelm. Easiest of the three though.
If you don't get one of the keys, the respawn can take up to 10 mins for the pack that you need a key from.
Now that you have all three keys, go back to the turnin NPC at the entrace and talk to him (talk twice if you didnt talk before).
He will give you a teleportation globe
Double clicking this globe will teleport you to Travesty's lair along with any party members that are close to you when you say YES.
Travesty Fight
Travesty is a changeling and will mimic your skills. You disco him, he will disco you. You peace him, he will peace your pet, etc. He has 60000+hp
He also reflects melee/bow damage by depleting your HP/Mana/Stam for every hit. Best to stick with magic. His lowest resist is fire or lightning depending on his stat rolls at spawn.
He is soloable, but it is a difficult feat. Best to bring along some buddies.
You stand to gain some peerless ingredients, crimson cincture, peerless set gear, peerless pets, guises, and other goodies. To Arms Fellow WPers!