This is a breakdown of what will happen when you try to sign on to Whispering Pines for the first time.
When first creating a character, you will be presented with the default UO selections for professions. Pick whichever you like. Then you will name and color your character.
After that, you will be placed in the Whispering Pines starter area where you will have a chance to read our Agreement Board and Agree or Disagree.
If you agree, you will be moved to the Class Gate area where you will choose one of four "Quick Start" classes [Mage, Warrior, Ranger/Tamer or Crafter]. All your skills will be set to 70, and 6 skills key to your class will be set to 100. Your stats will also be adjusted for your class. You may read the light blue books located in that area to find out which skills and stats will be changed for each class.
Choose carefully, as once you go through a Class Gate, you will be placed at Britain Bank to begin your adventure. DO NOT go through a gate until you are ready! You may only go through one gate. We will no longer honor "Do Over" requests because you chose the wrong class or went through the wrong gate.
Once in-game, you may type [c and your text to chat in public. For example: [c Hello Whispering Pines!
See you on the shard!