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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:03 am
by Moogie
Moogie's S-Mart

Shop Smart Shop S-Mart!

If you need bulk ANYTHING just ask. TAG tries to keep a bit of everything stocked, but can do larger amounts on resources, furniture, or plants if needed.

New Firerock items in the shop now, all on the appropriate vendors around the shop. Deco items on the Add-Ons vendor, including Potbelly Stoves and Dragon Lamps! The Shield, Weapons and Armor all available also.

Any suggestions for the Blue Light Special vendor let Moogie know. She changes her "On Sale" wares every Sunday night.

We trade or barder anything in the shop. Will trade for tokens or services, as well as gold.

As always,
Thank you for shopping S-Mart!


Re: S-Mart!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:02 pm
by Moogie
Now for sale! All the Fish tanks you can make are stocked on the Fishing Goodies vendor.
Thank you for shopping S-Mart!
