I am moving near my clan buddies, so my house in Luna is vacant. Instead of tearing it down, I would like to give it into gentle and caring hands.
It lies in the outer ring of Luna, near the northern gate. It is a 18x16 custom built house with 4 stories (3 plus rooftop). It features a large roofed patio and 2 balconies (one with roof, one open). It has extended storage space and near the main entrance a gate to the Travel Center.
The house's value ist 541K gold according to the house sign. Just to see it survive, I am willing to sell it for 420K. If you are interested, but lack the money for the deal, we will sure be able to find a solution of some sort.
The house is open to the public right now, so everyone who might want to buy it is invited to go take a look at it (the containers still in it will be removed before the house is traded).
If you want to buy the house, send me a PM ingame. This offer lasts till Thursday, 5th December, then the house will go down if no one found a heart for it.
Valorian Steel