by Patty Lee » Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:26 am
Okay I am so confused here. I was one of the four that did the Harrower with Exdous, While we did die a lot and it was kinda fun, I got really confused when it came to the Stat scrolls. I am maxed so I was under the impression that I could not get one of the scrolls. I was offered the chance to roll on them, but again, since I could not eat it, thought that I was out of the running. Now I see them up for sale. Maybe I did not listen to Exodus when he did the explaining of how the scrolls were being handled. I know that turned down the 50k that was suppose to be my share, but that was my own mule headness , since I watched the others pick up gold and I waited for the split like it is normally done. I guess what I am trying to say, is......make sure the rules are out in the open and any questions, no matter how stupid are asked!