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Looking For Medible Paltinum Full Plate suit

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:24 pm
by Brogan Ironfist
Hi all,

I'm looking to buy a full plate Platinum medible suit head to foot. it needs to be TOP RATE Crafted set. top rate to me means fully 70 resists and mage armor. whats my price? a million gold. 1,000,000 gp. hope to hear from someone soon. thanks for reading.

Re: Looking For Medible Paltinum Full Plate suit

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:25 pm
by KawKawKaw
I'd suggest a full Star armor suit... very medable and get you close enough to full 70s to make the finish line with some jewelry. AND will cost you a lot less than 1m. (think I sold my last full suit for 250k) Think you could buy pieces for 25k or less that are not being used any more by people who have moved on to crusader or tainted gear.


Re: Looking For Medible Paltinum Full Plate suit

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:19 am
by Exodus
Kaw's right. Even though star hunter gear might look like caster gear, the gloves are best in slot for melee and archer because of the 10 dex and attack speed increase. The legs also carry attack speed. In fact, it's so good, there's legends of those who have solo'd some of the harder champs with it.