by Quentin » Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:37 pm
I bought some Spell Woven Britches but there doesn't seem to be a way to save them from going "poof". Down to 17/30 I think. Not knowing any better I found myself buying a Self Repair deed for them; which of course does not work. Will a Bless Deed save them... does anyone know? Then even if it does I have the issue of not knowing if they are an "item" (Item Bless Deed) or "clothing" (Clothing Bless Deed). I suppose I will just need to avoid melee contact in order to save them a bit longer, but it still happens on occassion. The effects of wear and tear will win in the end. They do look kinda' flimsy not that I think of it.
Quentin/Piddle (aka Q)
Piddle: (WPA) Whispering Pines Artisians
Quentin: (KwN) Kinghts who say Nee!