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Wait your turn

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:52 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
I can't believe I have to say this, but here goes:

If you are at a monster spawn, and there are other players waiting for their turn, you get your turn, then they get their turn turn, then you can try again (assuming there isn't a line of people waiting, in which case you go to the end of the line). You do not get to monopolize a spawn.

Regarding Michael Myers. You start by fighting "original" Michael. Michael dies and then resurrects a random number of times. Until he is finally dead, we consider this to be all one long monster fight. Don't butt into the middle of it if another player is fighting it.

Also, it is each player's responsibility to make sure that no other players are fighting a given spawn before they engage the spawn.

:mrgreen: GhostRiderGrey

Re: Wait your turn

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:18 pm
by Vividos
Well said!

We are all people behind the Avatar and make mistakes, but by following these basic guidelines we can all hope to continue to play together nicely. I would add, before engaging in any activity where others are present to simply ask (once) if they mind if you do <whatever you are looking to do>. If you want to help them, ask before you jump in.

Finally I would also note, concerning pets of any kind: Please keep them under control. Their AI and the AI of monsters is such that if they are 'exposed' and either following you or guarding you can very quickly get away from you.

[NOTE: should you not be able to shrink your pet because it is fighting something, I would recommend making a simple Razor macro to: Double Click (Pet Leash), Wait for Target, Absolute Target (Pet). Bind this to a key for easy play, and then when your pet is engaged in combat, give them a "All follow me" command, followed by you running away followed by pressing that macro. 95% of the time this will work]