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Hello Whispering Pines!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:27 am
by Storm
Greetings Everyone! I have been absent quite a bit as of late and figured I owed my fans an explanation! :lol: In February, my family and I relocated, started new jobs, new schools, etc. For those of you who have been around for a while, you know that I have two little girls and both needed their mommy to help them through the adjustment. To my surprise, my cupcake business went wild shortly after the move and I feel as though I am constantly baking here lately. Don't take me wrong I'm not complaining I totally love it but, I have been neglecting you, my Whispering Pines' family! Then, my wonderful husband decided that he needed to reformat my computer not once but, twice and I have been relentlessly nagging him to get me back on the Pines. As of last night, he says I am good to go. Anyways, it looks as though Murphy has taken a vacation from tormenting me so, I wanted to let you all know that I'm baaaaaccccckkkk. :D I will be decorating Brit Bank very soon for Halloween and getting the Holiday Deco Shop up and running in the Travel Center. I woud also LOVE to have your input for any type of activities you would like to have to celebrate Halloween. Post them here but, please keep in mind.......I am only human and can only do so much! LOL

See you soon!

Re: Hello Whispering Pines!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:38 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
We eagerly await your return!

Re: Hello Whispering Pines!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:32 pm
by spacerx
hello Storm good to hear from you and your doing good. cupcakes mmmmmm i have missed you glad your back :mrgreen:

Re: Hello Whispering Pines!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:22 pm
by Yordor
Brit Bank is in need of your touch for the new season, especially between now & Christmas!

I suppose we'll have trick or treat, the Halloween champ, and the other bad guys that show up in Sleepy Hollow this time of year.