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Quest List

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:56 am
by Quentin
Was wondering which quests I might be able to do. Do we just have a few available? Crafter quests in particular as I was looking to make a quiver but don't have the recipe. I did a search so is there a list or something. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


Re: Quest List

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:51 pm
by Jaiye
My post about Heartwood was exactly along the same lines. If I can get someone to take me there Ill make you a rune. Oh in case youre wondering Heartwood is where the crafter quests are.

Re: Quest List

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:24 pm
by Yordor
Unfortunately most of the standard Heartwood quests don't exist in WP. That's not to say there's nothing "good" there...

You can still get quivers. The artifact trader in Luna will trade an elven quiver or Ultimate Quiver in exchange for 10 greater artifacts. This thread lists everything he'll take. Note that they all should be traded in at the same time to make sure you get credit for them.