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Fun Hunt

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:09 pm
by merchantmace

This quest will be one that will test your knowledge of ultima online and whispering pines.... also... your ability to think through vague statements. This quest will also test your characters fortitude. The quest you are about to embark on is not one for the faint hearted. You will be allowed to work in teams. You must pm me with your team members names before starting this quest. You may not share information with ANYONE other then team members. Anyone suspected of sharing information will be disqualified from this quest. Also.. if you are working in a team you will have to share the prize you receive... decide carefully.

This will be a multi part quest. In that there will be clues to the next step and the next step and so on. The quest is designed to be vague but true. There may be multiple right answers to any step... but only one is correct. The clues for the next step will be on pack animals. You will kill only 1 animal and loot the book you find. Please do not use area effect weapons or spells. And if working in a team you may only kill one animal for the team. If for whatever reason you kill more then one please loot that book and contact me right away so i can fix it as soon as possible. All the clues are exactly the same. I will not tell you how many parts there are. You will know when you are finished. No other members of the NPG guild have any knowledge of this quest and all are eligible.

The first person/team done will chose their prize from the top 3 grand prizes... the second person/team done will chose from the 2 left and the third will get the remaining top prize.

1. 250k tokens and 2 mil gold
2. An Orc Brute bio pet and crusader tunic.
3. a +15 stats scroll, +10 stats scroll , +5 stats scroll, a champion skull storage and 20 uses wax dipping sticks.(very nice if you have never used them)

Everyone else who participates and completes the search will get 1 mil gold and a marble crafting tool.

Do not be scared away by fear. This is completable by all tho it may take some work. I encourage everyone to at least give it a try. There are only 10 slots to play. So in groups or single there are just 10 books on each level of the quest to be had. Please be respectful of the rules and your fellow players. You must have a book from each level to claim a prize. I will run this quest for a week. I may extend it if no one has finished it by then.

I will post the first clue here. Some time on July 16th

Re: Fun Hunt

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:35 am
by merchantmace
The hunt has started. Remember the rules. Be sure to explore fully. I can assure you the books are not in a place to be handed to you. I also did not put them in a place that may be impossible for some to get to.

Here is your first clue. Remember... You need all the books to claim a prize. I have yet to get a pm to say people are on a team. Once you have started your quest you may not communicate about the details of the quest with anyone else unless you have PMed me with team members.

*here it is*

I don't particularly care to hunt for morels in the spring. Some people go nuts for that. I guess if i did tho this would be the first place i would look.

Re: Fun Hunt

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:56 am
by merchantmace
People seem to be having trouble with the search. some people are to book 4.... i will post a clue to where book 4 is here tomorrow july 18th. if no one has found book 4 by then.

Re: Fun Hunt

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:34 am
by merchantmace
This place is filled with beautiful crystals.

Re: Fun Hunt

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:10 pm
by merchantmace
i will post better clues toi where the books are... again remember you must have all the books.

clue to book one.... its the mushroom cave

clue to book two..... pay attantion to book ones clue... the deepest dungeons.

clue to book 3..... it is in tokuno.... it is a dungeon.

clue to book 4..... this place is full of beautiful crystals.

clue to book 5..... it is not a mare... mare did not come till trammel was created... this great.... old....beast was here from the beginning.

Re: Fun Hunt

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:35 am
by merchantmace
This hunt is now closed.. The slayer had eliminated all of the second step books and someone has also done the same with step 3. Im sorry to all that could not participate. I hope that in the future we could have more consideration from all our players to have fun things like this.

However.... one team did complete the search.. congrats to Ari and Spacerx